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How to Keep Your Information Secure Online

Almost all of us use the internet every day for communication, information exchange, and conducting business. This hype in technology has empowered us, but it is also accompanied by threats and scams. To ensure your safety online, you should build a strong defense against these cyberattacks.

Continue reading to learn about the essential rules that are as important as looking both ways before crossing the street.

Fortify Your Passwords

Imagine your password as the key to your secret diary. Craft a password that is difficult for others to guess but easy for you to remember. A robust password combines letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using obvious choices like your name, “123456,” or “password.”

Diversify Your Passwords

If you switch up your passwords, you can keep others safe. Having the same password for everything means if cybercriminals figure out one account’s password, they’ll try it on others that you have, meaning they gain access much easier.

Exercise Caution with Phishing

Sometimes, individuals impersonate trustworthy sources to trick you into divulging your personal information. Approach links or requests for personal data in emails or messages cautiously, especially if they seem suspicious.

Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Your home Wi-Fi is like the gateway to your online world. Set a formidable password for it to prevent unauthorized access. Restrict the sharing of this password to your trusted family members, and not to just anyone.

Maintain Software Updates

Companies release updates to patch security vulnerabilities, so you should keep your computer, phone, and applications up-to-date.

Exercise Caution on Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks are similar to bustling parks with numerous people around. Avoid conducting sensitive activities like online shopping or banking on such networks, as they can be susceptible to eavesdropping. It’s advisable to utilize your cellular data for these purposes.

Review Privacy Settings

Social media platforms and applications often offer privacy settings that allow you to dictate who can access your information. Take the time to configure these settings to safeguard your data.

Regularly Monitor Your Accounts

You must inspect your online accounts for any unusual activities periodically. If you spot any anomalies, report them immediately.

Be Mindful of What You Share

There’s a saying that the “internet is forever”, and this should be kept in mind when you put personal information online. You might think that you can just delete it, but it’s actually much harder to remove than just that. This means that sharing things like your address or phone number could be used against you. While it’s great to share things with friends online, just be aware of how it can possibly be used against you when you do.

Educate Yourself

The best way to stay secure online is to empower yourself with knowledge about internet security. Your ability to maintain security increases as your knowledge increases.

Recognize Phishing on Social Media

Be wary of unsolicited friend requests or messages from unknown individuals, as they might be cybercriminals trying to gain access to your personal information.

Discover a world of unparalleled internet connectivity through Bluebird Fiber. Our goal is to ensure your uninterrupted connectivity in the ever-changing digital environment. Get in touch with us right away to experience the future of the internet, and don’t miss your chance to enjoy quicker, more secure online connectivity.

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